I am building myself a site and have found Tagger to be fantastic. My understanding is that by using a separate table it should in theory be faster than using TV's. Is that right?
My setup for Tagger has it displaying as a pseudo hierarchy, which was really easy to set up. I'm wondering if it would be possible to combine the following calls into a snippet, or series of snippets to speed things up?
[[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-placeTags` &groups=`1`]] »
[[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-placeTags` &groups=`2`]] »
[[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-placeTags` &separator=` `&groups=`3`]]<br /><br />
[[TaggerGetTags? &resources=`[[*id]]` &rowTpl=`tpl-subjectTags` &separator=` `&groups=`4`]]
Any help would be greatly appreciated as my php skills are negligible.