Hi there,
Yesterday, I upgraded a client's site from Revo 2.3.2 to 2.3.3. Everything appeared to go smoothly, except that Quip comments are behaving strangely on the backend. Please take a look at the attached screenshots. The first is of the Manage Blog Comments page, where you can see the threads are a little weird looking. The second is if I right click > Manage one of the threads. Note "quip.thread_err_nf" appearing in the table at the bottom. The Unapproved Comments and Latest Comments tabs on the Manage Blog Comments page are empty (which is expected). The front-end display of comments seems to be entirely unaffected.
This is on a CentOS 6 VPS. I tried repairing all MySQL tables, as well as checking the collation of the Quip tables, but everything seems okay, including the table contents. So it doesn't appear data has been corrupted - something is just getting lost in translation between the database and the manager.
Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
This is happening to me as well, though it's a fresh install. Did you ever get it sorted?