I'm using MODx for a few years but first time i have to use custom database tables. I created table I need with Bobs quide (
http://bobsguides.com/custom-db-tables.html) tutorial and everythink is working fine. I can display items from my custom table on the page.
The problem is to display them in Manager. I created my own manager page like it is on this page
http://rtfm.modx.com/revolution/2.x/developing-in-modx/advanced-development/custom-manager-pages/custom-manager-pages-in-2.3 and i can display on this page static text. Now i want to get on this manager page, my custom table items. I thought i can acces them by
but it's giving me blank page.
Custom manager page is in sam path as bobs snippet (core/components/quotes/).
How can I get this custom table?
Edit: my MODx version is 2.3.3