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    I've a question about snippet parameter processing for other content types than 'text/html'. I created an Markdown Extra where I'm using the the content type 'text/x-markdown' and it seems like that the property processing is based on the content type.

    For example: I'm using the Extra LudwigShariff in an article: [[shariff? &srv=`whatsapp,facebook` &addjs=`0` &addcss=`0`]]

    If I'm running it with the content type 'text/html',

    $addcss= $modx->getOption('addcss', $scriptProperties, 1);	// Add CSS to Modx

    gives me '0' back.

    But if I change the content type to 'text/x-markdown', $addcss gives me back '<code>0</code>'. The shariff snippet gives me the following var_dump( $scriptProperties ); output:

    array (size=3)
      'srv' => string '<code>whatsapp,facebook</code>' (length=30)
      'addjs' => string '<code>0</code>' (length=14)
      'addcss' => string '<code>0</code>' (length=14)

    At the moment I'm using
    	foreach ( $scriptProperties as $key => $val)
    		$scriptProperties[$key]= str_replace( array("<code>","</code>"),  array("",""), $val );

    but this is only a temporary solution.

    Has anyone an idea, what I'm missing in the markdown extra to process the parameter as it is done in text/html?


    Thomas [ed. note: MoonMaker last edited this post 9 years, 4 months ago.]