has the structure
Level 1 (first pages)
Leavel 2 (id = 1)
Leavel 2 (id = 2)
Level 1 (second pages)
Leavel 2 (id = 3)
Leavel 2 (id = 4)
in first pages have chunk with structure and second page has it too
first pages have links where you need to install the appropriate id for the second page
Level 1 (first pages)
Leavel 2 (id = 1) click (open id=3)
Leavel 2 (id = 2) click (open id=4)
There are a ton plugin or snippet to implement this option, or you need to create TV?
When you create a parameter TV and inserted into a link that opens a blank page - a white sheet, that is three times the template page did not load