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    Dharmesh Mandaliya Reply #1, 9 years, 4 months ago
    Hello Everyone,

    First, Happy New Year to all.

    I am using [[!FormItCountryOptions? &selected=`[[!+fi.country]]`]] in my form for display all countries in selectbox.- http://prntscr.com/5mw53s

    I am using Custom table for store form data into it and i know how to stored county into custom table using formit and it's working fine for me but how can i use FormItCountryOptions in EDIT FORM?.

    Please give me answer of above question.

      Thanks & Regards,
      Dharmesh Mandaliya
      Modx Expert
      Mail : [email protected]
      Skype : dharmesh.square1
      Linkedin : http://in.linkedin.com/in/dharmeshmandaliya
      Website : http://www.squareonewebsolutions.com/modx-development.php
    • I don't understand the question. If you are using the countryoptions snippet, it generates the select for you, and the select is like any hand-coded select except for the bit about maintaining the selected status. The name of the select is the same, so you would just store its value as usual.
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      • Here's how I used it a few weeks ago with a simplecart checkout form. The submitted form will have $_POST['country'] just like any form. The placeholder is named 'fi.country' simply as a convenience for preventing any conflict with any other placeholders.
                <label for="checkout_country">[[%simplecart.orderdetails.address.country]]: <span>*</span></label>
                <select class="select required" name="country" id="checkout_country">
                [[!FormItCountryOptions? &selected=`[[!+fi.country]]`]]
                <label class="error">[[+fi.error.country]]</label>
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