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  • I've been beating my head on my desk about this. I using cmpGenerator to create the classes as I have done many times before. I am attempting to update a row in a database using xPDO set() or fromArray() then xPDO save(). I set it to return an error if either show false and neither do but I go to the database table and it remains unchanged. Creating and saving a new object on the same table works over and over again, I just cannot update it once there.

    Nothing in the core/cache/error_log, nothing on the screen while in debug mode. About the only thing out of the ordinary is the table has some bit and datetime field types in it and a second unique index, the rest varchar and integers, changing these around doesn't seem to help.

    Anybody have any ideas for me? How do I get decent debug information out of xPDO? I tried everything I found online and nothing works. I am about to abandon it for a plain old query.

    This question has been answered by pyrographics. See the first response.

    • It looks like my fields are being set properly in the object but just won't save back to the database, why isn't save() returning false if it fails?
      • discuss.answer
        If all else fails, delete your classes and rebuild them. That fixed the issue whatever it was.