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    • 36446
    • 184 Posts
    I have a very strange problem and cannot solve it. My Login Snippte worked like a charm but does not produce any more output. I do not think that anything has changed on my server but unfortunately the snippet doesn't return anything any more...
    Strange! I'm using Modx. 2.1.1 here and the login Snippet 1.9.0
    The only thing i notice is that i get this in the error log:

    [2014-11-25 16:03:34] (ERROR @ /index.php) Attempted to redirect to an empty URL.

    I have no clue what might cause the problem. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks for helping me!

      https://www.beautyislife-shop.de - premium make-up!
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      • 42887
      • 19 Posts
      How are you calling the snippet? Basic?
      With a custom template like?
      [[!Login? &tplType=`modChunk` &loginTpl=`myLoginChunk`]]
      Or are you running it with runSnippet like?
      $modx->runSnippet('Login', array('loginTpl' => 'customLoginTpl', 'logoutTpl' => 'lgnLogoutTpl', 'logoutResourceId' => 56));

      And what output are you expecting?
        • 36446
        • 184 Posts
        Thanks - i tried both - basic and with a chunk.
        Both worked. No nothing works...

        I'm expecting a login form as usual with a field for username, a password field and a send button.
          https://www.beautyislife-shop.de - premium make-up!
          https://www.topsterne.de - sell it here!
          • 42887
          • 19 Posts
          Odd. And have you tried clearing your cache? I know that you should always be calling the Login uncached (with the exclamation point preceding the word Login) but perhaps clearing the cache will free something up.

          You're on a shared server I take it? Any chance that something has changed in your .htaccess file? The error code, along with the fact that it just stopped working randomly, makes me think it's a system level issue.
            • 36446
            • 184 Posts
            Yes - odd! I have cleared the cache already - even deleted the content of core/cache without effekt. I don't think that anything has changed on my server but cannot be sure - yes it's a shared hosting...
            I'm downloading the page right now and will install it onto my localhost - maybe i can figure out the problem here...
              https://www.beautyislife-shop.de - premium make-up!
              https://www.topsterne.de - sell it here!
              • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
              • 24,524 Posts
              MODX 2.1.1 is pretty old. Possibly your shared hosting updated their PHP and now something isn't working on the newer version of PHP? Can you get your PHP error logs, or the access logs, to see if there are any errors?
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                • 1343 ☆ A M B ☆
                • 2,213 Posts
                You might consider upgrading the site to 2.2.16, as Susan noted you are running an older version that may have some incompatibilities with the PHP version. The newer versions should resolve the problem.
                  Patrick | Server Wrangler
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