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    • 44922
    • 131 Posts
    We're using a custom table in Modx to generate an array which we use in a custom manager page. The code below works fine. What We are trying and failing to do is join an extra field into the array from the modx_hits table, which the "Hits" page count extra uses.

    In our first custom table, the "JobID" column uses the same value as the modx_hits table "hit_key" column. Where they match, we need to add the modx_hits "hit_count" field value.

    $results = $modx->query("SELECT * FROM modx_applications_for_jobs WHERE 1");
    	if (!is_object($results)) {
    		$modx->log(MODX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[[UserApplications]] Database error 1');
    	}else {
    		while ($r = $results->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    			$arrData = $arrData. "['".$r[recruiter] . "', '".$r[job] . "', '" . $r[jobID] . "', '" . $r[applications] ."'],";
    		$arrData = substr($arrData, 0, -1);

    So what we'd like to do is add the modx_hits.hit_count value to the $arrdata array where modx_applications_for_jobs.jobID and modx_hits.hit_key match. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Revo 2.2.14 BTW.
      • 44922
      • 131 Posts
      I seem to be answering my own posts once I've figured it out. In the end, we merged "Hits" custom table with the modx_site_content to output a table with no. of page views plus the resource title. It uses inner join as below. This gives us an array which we can then use to output to a table. I guess you could set placeholders etc instead. When a resource is deleted, it disappears our array.
      $results = $modx->query("SELECT modx_site_content.*, modx_hits.* FROM modx_site_content INNER JOIN modx_hits
              ON modx_site_content.id=modx_hits.hit_key WHERE modx_site_content.deleted = 0");
        if (!is_object($results)) {
         $modx->log(MODX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[[UserApplications]] Database error 3');
        }else {
         while ($r = $results->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
          $hitData = $hitData. "['".$r[pagetitle] . "', '".$r[hit_count] ."'],";
                  $hitData = substr($hitData, 0, -1);