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    • 8168
    • 1,118 Posts
    I cant see it in the Login folder within Chunks? I need to be able to update the copy that is sent in the email when a user clicks to reset their password - e.g. when on the reset password page they add in the email address. Cant find it anywhere???
      • 42046
      • 436 Posts
      It's called lgnForgotPassEmail:

      <p>To activate your new password, please click on the following link:</p>
      <p><a href="[[+confirmUrl]]">[[+confirmUrl]]</a></p>
      <p>If successful you can use the following password to login:</p>
      <p><strong>Password:</strong> [[+password]]</p>
      <p>If you did not request this message, please ignore it.</p>
      <p>Thanks,<br />
      <em>Site Administrator</em></p>

        • 8168
        • 1,118 Posts
        Thanks Dan. Doh! Thought I had checked that chunk. Guess the chunk name is not that obvious in relation to its function.