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    • 36516
    • 179 Posts
    I've been using pdoTools for the first time. There's no documentation, presumably because it's designed as a transparent replacement for existing snippets etc.

    So how is it that many of the basic snippet parameters for snippets like pdoPage and pdoResources don't work as 'advertised'??

    I may have misunderstood something along the way, but I've just wasted 4 hours of my life, after midnight, banging my head against &includeTVs=`1`, only to eventually discover a hidden hint in the Property Set defaults list descriptions that, in fact, pdoResources doesn't accept `1` as a value for this parameter. Instead it takes a comma separated list of TVs you want to include.

    So you can't just have them all?

    How am I expected to know this?

    I'm going to freakin' bed. Gonna have a little cry, I think.
      • 36516
      • 179 Posts
      Turns out there's docs here:

      And it's clear as Russian mud that includeTVs works differently. Why no English docs in rtfm.modx.com do we think?
      • Yeah, I spent some time translating a couple of the docs into English, but I have to limit my computer time because of failing eyesight, and haven't set aside the time to do any more. There are a lot of well-documented (in Russian), great extras from the Russian community that just aren't usable by the rest of us because of the language issue. It's a pity.
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          • 36516
          • 179 Posts
          I'm confused that there aren't more people on here wondering why includeTVs doesn't work. I guess they're just not all as dense as me :/
          • I suspect that a lot of people don't spend much time on it, they just install getResources.
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              • 28120
              • 380 Posts
              If you view the help pages in chrome with translate 'on' they do a pretty good job.

              Try http://docs.modx.pro/components/pdotools/snippets/pdoresources with translate. Note in my browser the translation makes the & gets split and the parameter name capitalized.

              e.g. &parents -> & Parents

              pdoResources isn't identical to getResources but this might explain why pdoResources runs a LOT quicker to the point that often I don't care if it's cached or uncached.

              Worth persevering with pdoResources in my opinion. Plus when I've run into issues and contacted support or posted on their forum https://bezumkin.ru/contacts the response from Vasily has been fast and helpful.
                • 42046
                • 436 Posts
                Quote from: davidsmith at Nov 05, 2014, 04:07 AM
                I'm confused that there aren't more people on here wondering why includeTVs doesn't work. I guess they're just not all as dense as me :/

                IncludeTVs works just fine. You just need to specify which tvs to include. You should really be doing that in getresouces anyway. How is it not working for you?
                • getResources has two properties to tell it to use TVs, one that will use TVs, all of them by default, and another one to list only certain TVs to be used. pdoResources only has the one property, which requires a list of TVs to use. This also confused me at first, until I looked more closely at the properties list in the pdoResources documentation. Google Translated helped.
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