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    • 46309
    • 79 Posts
    I'm wondering how to sync my TV's when I'm using Babel.
    There is an info in the documentation about that, but unfortunately when I'm using it, nothing happens.
    I'm doing the following:
    In System Settings - Babel, babel.syncTvs, I'm placing as Value my TVs, comma separated.
    I'm using a MIGx multiple TV called with getImageList, which is working perfect in my main Context language:

    My clientsLogoTV consist of the following TVs:
    clientsLogoTV-text - Text field;
    clientsLogoTV-link - used for links;
    clientsLogoTV-image - used for images;
    My clientsLogo tpl:
    <li><a href="[[+title]]" target="_blank">
    <img src="[[+image:phpthumbof=`w=100&h=100&zc=1`]]" alt="[[+name]]"></a></li>

    I already tried to place only the main TV in babel.syncTvs Value field and also together with all of the consisted TV's, comma separated, but there is no sync between my first and second language (Context).
    Did somebody know how to work with the TV synchronisation in Babel?
    Any suggestions or help will be appreciated!
    Thank you in avdance!

    This question has been answered by deyand. See the first response.

      peace&love / bike&ride
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      if it is not too late, there is migxMultiLang, where everything is translated on the same resource,
      so no TV-synchronisation between multiple resources is needed with that multi-language-solution.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 46309
        • 79 Posts
        Of course it's never too late smiley
        I've already tried to make the translation with migxMultiLang and almost did it, but it was not 100% success - I read the documentation https://forums.modx.com/thread/94449/tutorial-for-migxmultilang-extra#dis-post-511533, but I think I made something wrong, because at the end of the day there were no translation checkboxes for one of the language and the Translation field was not separate Tab in the Document, but actually inside the Template Variables Tab. Also the translation was not 100%. For sure I was doing something wrong. That's why i preferred to use babel, because I already made several multi languages site with it.
        I like the idea of making the translation on the same resource, but maybe you should make a beginners guide, a step by step tutorial (video or whatever it is) of how to install and use migxMultiLang. In one of the forums topics a member already wrote, that he will make such one, a step by step lesson how to work with migxMultiLang, so if there is such one I think there will be a lot of happy people out there smiley
          peace&love / bike&ride
        • discuss.answer
          • 46309
          • 79 Posts
          OK I found the solution and it's very simple smiley
          I'm placing it here, because I didn't find any info about that in the forums.

          You have only to specify the ID number(s) of the TV(s) which you want to synchronise. This can be done in System Settings -> babel -> babel.syncTvs Value field.

          In my case it works like a charm smiley
            peace&love / bike&ride