Hi guys,
I need a members login section on a new site I am about to start building - I had earmarked LOGIN addon as the solution here. Few questions:
1. Can one export a XLS or such from MODX which contains all the member information? e.g. username, password and other membership information?
2. Can MODx be setup to send an email to an identified email address when a member updates their membership details with notes about what they have changed?
3. Can I expose membership information into a table on a resource - e.g. I want to create a members list page, so selecting to expose specific elements of a members membership information within a table which includes the data for all members. So kind of like using GetResources to pull from the members area to display via a TPL chunk pulling the data fields I want..?
[ed. note: dubbs last edited this post 10 years, 3 months ago.]