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    • 17698
    • 19 Posts
    If you are one of the unlucky few of us that can only update our PHP directives in local, non-recursive php.ini files, you know that there are challenges getting large file uploads working in MODX. My initial assumption was that these uploads run through the main manager/index.php script, but they do not. After trying everything, I remembered that I could watch network traffic in Chrome's Inspector, which revealed that it was accessing connectors/index.php.

    So create your local php.ini file, which looks something like:

    upload_max_filesize = 100M
    post_max_size = 200M
    memory_limit = 256M

    Place it in connectors/ and that should fix the issue.

    If it were me, I would probably ini_set using the upload_maxsize system setting, but I'm sure there are reasons this isn't done. This solution wasn't documented from what I can tell, and it drove me crazy this afternoon. So, I felt obligated to share. [ed. note: lutenegger last edited this post 9 years, 7 months ago.]
      Erik Lutenegger
      Founder | Tenacity
    • Keep in mind that there are also upload size limit settings for your web server configuration as well, so if even this doesn't work check your web server's configuration.
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        • 17698
        • 19 Posts
        Yes, I agree, this is "A Solution" that was just undocumented, and meant to save the frustration of what to do after you've tried htaccess and other routes.
          Erik Lutenegger
          Founder | Tenacity