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    • 45479
    • 18 Posts
    I've got minishop2 up and running, and when a user orders something he gets an email containing his order. At the same time the manager should recieve the same mail, but he doesn't. I asume, that the mail doesn't get sent at all, but can't tell for sure, because the error log is still empty. Settings of minishop2 are configured the right way.

    Anyone encountered this as well and know how to fix this?

    Btw: how does minishop2 "know" who the manager is, when there is more than one manager?
      • 54509
      • 2 Posts
      set proper emails in the `ms2_email_manager` system setting

      in help from Alroniks, I fixed this issue laugh
      * on https://modxcommunity.slack.com