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    • 40850
    • 13 Posts
    there are 3 versions of mm_rules in the chunks area:
    - mm_demo_rules (1)
    - mm_rules (14)
    - mm_rules-1_0_15 (15)


    here is the code in the two mm_rules chunks:

    // more example rules are in assets/plugins/managermanager/example_mm_rules.inc.php
    // example of how PHP is allowed - check that a TV named documentTags exists before creating rule

    if ($modx->db->getValue($modx->db->select('count(id)', $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars'), "name='documentTags'"))) {
    mm_widget_tags('documentTags', ' '); // Give blog tag editing capabilities to the 'documentTags (3)' TV
    mm_widget_showimagetvs(); // Always give a preview of Image TVs
      • 36416
      • 589 Posts
      Quote from: chas55427 at Dec 08, 2014, 03:37 AM
      here is the code in the two mm_rules chunks:
      // more example rules are in assets/plugins/managermanager/example_mm_rules.inc.php
      // example of how PHP is allowed - check that a TV named documentTags exists before creating rule
      if ($modx->db->getValue($modx->db->select('count(id)', $modx->getFullTableName('site_tmplvars'), "name='documentTags'"))) {
      	mm_widget_tags('documentTags', ' '); // Give blog tag editing capabilities to the 'documentTags (3)' TV
      mm_widget_showimagetvs(); // Always give a preview of Image TVs

      Ok, so you are not using hideFields commands to manipulate your template variables (BTW, remove
      if block from mm_rules if there are no tagging TVs defined).

      So, as fourroses666 already mentioned, there's probably conflict with jQuery loaded in your frontend
      and QuickManager+ or ManagerManager supplied one... any script errors in DevTools console?
      Recommended settings are:
      ManagerManager: load jQuery local
      QuickManager+: Load jQuery in manager/frontend false
        • 40850
        • 13 Posts
        finally found a way to resolve the issue.

        after comparing/verifying all settings & files to a working version, i experimented with the QM configuration settings.

        - in Quick Manager+>Configuration changed "Load jQuery in front-end" from true to false.
        - previewed the home page and went to edit resource via QM. jQuery now in debug mode with a blank page - no QM container.
        - closed QM
        - changed "Load jQuery in front-end" from false to true
        - cleared cache.

        QM is now functioning without the previous jQuery error (not found).