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    • 3749
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    If you're in a plugin, you don't want $modx->user, you want $user.
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      • 35756
      • 166 Posts
      OK, i didn't get it to run with editing the given code of the ExtUserUpdateProfile-snippet.

      But I found another way to get this done by using this:

      if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT ext_user_data WHERE userid = '$id'"))){
      // Code inside if block if userid is already there
      $sql ="update ext_user_data set `vorname` = '$vorname', `nachname` = '$nachname' where id='$id'";
      $stmt = $modx->prepare($sql);
      else {
      $sql ="insert into ext_user_data (id,userdata_id,vorname,nachname) values('$id','$id','$vorname','$nachname')";
      $stmt = $modx->prepare($sql);
        • 3749
        • 24,544 Posts
        Looks good. That should be faster anyway.
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          • 35756
          • 166 Posts
          damn it, I got stuck again...

          Now that I got rid of those "normal" profile extended-fields and only use the DB-table-values, some of the placeholders I created don't get created now anymore.

          Before I used this to get those "Normal" extended-fields:

          if ($profile) {
              $fields = $profile->get('extended');
          if ( $fields['jobphone'] != '' OR $fields['jobemail'] != '' ) {
          $modx->setPlaceholder('job-kontakt', '1');

          This is used to insert some headlines if those fields are not empty.

          [[+job-kontakt:is=`1`:then=`<h1>Business Contact</h1>`]]

          So now I tried this by using the DB-table-values like that:

          if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT ext_user_data WHERE userid = '$id' AND jobphone != '' "))){
          $modx->setPlaceholder('job-kontakt', '1');
          echo '123';

          But without success...any hint on that again anyone?
            • 35756
            • 166 Posts
            i think i got it, but in a bad manner:

            $job-kontakt = "SELECT * FROM `ext_user_data` WHERE `id` = '$userId' AND `jobphone` != '' AND `jobphone` != 'NULL' ";
            $query1 = $modx->query($job-kontakt);
            $rows1 = array();
            if ($query1) {
                // loop through the result set and inspect one row at a time
                while ($row = $query1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                    array_push($rows1, $row);
            $modx->setPlaceholder('job-kontakt', '1');
            $job-kontakt = "SELECT * FROM `ext_user_data` WHERE `id` = '$userId' AND `jobemail` != '' AND `jobemail` != 'NULL' ";
            $query2 = $modx->query($job-kontakt);
            $rows2 = array();
            if ($query2) {
                // loop through the result set and inspect one row at a time
                while ($row = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                    array_push($rows2, $row);
            $modx->setPlaceholder('job-kontakt', '1');

            I wasn't able to combine that, then it didn't work correct.
              • 3749
              • 24,544 Posts
              You might try this to get it in a single query:

              SELECT * FROM `ext_user_data` WHERE `id` = '$userId' AND 
                  (`jobphone` != '' AND `jobphone` != 'NULL')
                  (`jobemail` != '' AND `jobemail` != 'NULL')
              ) ";
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