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    • 44580
    • 189 Posts
    I've create a migxdb package and all seems to be as it should. However, when I create the CMP, it is coming up as "undefined". I am also getting the following errors every time I access the CMP:

    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) No class specified for loadClass
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) No class specified for loadClass
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) ::getSelectColumns() is not a valid static method.
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) No class specified for loadClass
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) No class specified for loadClass
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) Could not load class
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) No class specified for loadClass
    [2014-08-11 14:31:58] (ERROR @ /assets/components/migx/connector.php) ::loadCollection() is not a valid static method.

    This is what I did:

    1. Created my own database tables manually (prefixed with add_)
    2. In Package manager
    - Package name: add
    - table-prefix: custom
    - custom-prefix: add
    3. Clicked on 'Create Package'
    4. Clicked on 'Write Schema'
    5. Clicked on 'parse Schema'
    6. Clicked on 'Load Schema'. The xml loaded and contained all my tables as I expected.

    This is my schema (partial because I am only looking at the first table at this point):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <model package="add" baseClass="xPDOObject" platform="mysql" defaultEngine="MyISAM" version="1.1">
    	<object class="CoachDetails" table="_coach_details" extends="xPDOSimpleObject">
    		<field key="coach_id" dbtype="int" precision="11" phptype="integer" null="false" index="unique" />
    		<field key="coach_bio" dbtype="varchar" precision="1000" phptype="string" null="true" />
    		<field key="makeup_1" dbtype="varchar" precision="45" phptype="string" null="true" />
    		<field key="makeup_2" dbtype="varchar" precision="45" phptype="string" null="true" />
    		<field key="makeup_3" dbtype="varchar" precision="45" phptype="string" null="true" />
    		<index alias="coach_id_idx" name="coach_id_idx" primary="false" unique="true" type="BTREE" >
    			<column key="coach_id" length="" collation="A" null="false" />
                    <aggregate alias="Coach" class="modUser" local="coach_id" foreign="id" cardinality="one" owner="foreign" />

    Next, I went to the MIGX tab and created an item. In that item I gave it a name and a unique migx id of hca.coach.details (both the same).

    Under Formtabs I added an item and added a field for each column in my table using the column names from the table. I then clicked on the ContextMenus and Action buttons I wanted. Under Migxdb-settings I put Package name: add, Classname: CoachDetails and custom prefix: add. All other fields were left as default.

    I then proceeded to create the menu item with the following settings:

    - Lexicon key: Coach Details
    - Action: index
    - Parameters: &configs=coachDetails
    - Namespace: Migx.

    And there you have it. Sorry for the excessively long explanation, but I wanted to be thorough.

    Help please.


    (Revo: 2.3.1, MIGX: 2.8.1)

    This question has been answered by gissirob. See the first response.

    [ed. note: gissirob last edited this post 10 years, 5 months ago.]
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      This configuration is working for me with your xpdo-schema:

          "cmptabdescription":"Manage Coaches here",

      I think it doesn't matter, but it would look better with a prefix of 'add_' in your xpdo-schema:

      <object class="CoachDetails" table="coach_details" extends="xPDOSimpleObject">
      [ed. note: Bruno17 last edited this post 10 years, 5 months ago.]

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 44580
        • 189 Posts
        Thanks Bruno. For the life of me I can't see where I'm going wrong. Here is my Json:
              "caption":"Coach details",
                  "caption":"Coach Bio",
                  "description":"Biography of the coach",
                  "caption":"Lesson makeup day (1)",
                  "description":"The first day that can be used for making up lessons.",
                  "caption":"Lesson makeup day (2)",
                  "description":"The second day that can be used for making up lessons.",
                  "caption":"Lesson makeup day (3)",
                  "description":"The third day that can be used for making up lessons.",
            "migx_add":"Add coach details",
            "formcaption":"Add coach details",
            "update_win_title":"Add coach details",
            "cmpmaincaption":"Coach Details",
            "cmptabcaption":"Coach info",
              "header":"Coach Bio",
              "header":"Makeup day 1",
              "header":"Makeup day 2",
              "header":"Makeup day 3",

        Quote from: Bruno17 at Aug 12, 2014, 05:48 AM
        I think it doesn't matter, but it would look better with a prefix of 'add_' in your xpdo-schema:

        <object class="CoachDetails" table="coach_details" extends="xPDOSimpleObject">
        I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you suggesting that table="_coach_details" should be table="add_coach_details"? I was simply going with the schema that was generated by migx from my tables.

        Any further thoughts as to what might be causing the errors - which I'm still getting every time I access the CMP?
          • 44580
          • 189 Posts
          And some additional info...
          I went back and re-created everything, and when I went to Update Indexes, I got the following error:

          [2014-08-12 10:37:36] (ERROR in xPDOManager_mysql::addIndex @ /var/www/hca/core/xpdo/om/mysql/xpdomanager.class.php : 329) Error adding index member_id to MemberDetails: Array
          [0] => 42S02
          [1] => 1146
          [2] => Table 'hca.hca__member_details' doesn't exist

          which is interesting seeing as how I defined:

          - Package name: add
          - table-prefix: custom
          - custom-prefix: add

          in the migx package manager.

          It might appear that these are being ignored. BTW, my database name is hca, and my table prefix is hca_ for all the modx tables and add_ for all my additional tables. So why then is it trying to use a table hca.hca__member_details (note the two underscores) instead of hca.add_member_details?

          Yet when I used "Write schema" to generate my schema, all the correct tables (those with the add_ prefix) were picked up.
            • 4172
            • 5,888 Posts
            seems 'update indexes' doesn't respect the table prefix.
            This is a bug then, but hasn't todo with your other issues.

            This function is only needed when you had added index-definitions in the field definitions in your xpdo-schema and you want to add them to your tables

            As said above, you should add the underscore to your prefix

            should be


            not just


            then you will have





              you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


            • discuss.answer
              • 44580
              • 189 Posts
              Thanks Bruno.

              As per your suggestion, made the change to add_. While this made everything "cleaner", it did not fix the problem. The good news is that I managed to fix it anyway, so for any others who might be getting the same error, this is what I did:

              When I set up my Migx Config, I called it hca.coach.details. In sheer desperation, I renamed this to be CoachDetails and the errors disappeared. Apparently Migx does not like full-stops in names. I also deleted core/cache as a matter of course (not sure if this is needed or not).
                • 48530
                • 1 Posts
                J had the same "undefined" problem...

                My solution was to use the exactly same name for

                • MIGX -> Settings -> Name
                • MIGX -> Settings -> unique MIGX ID
                • MIGX -> MIGXdb -> Classname

                when the "MIGX -> Settings -> Name" and the "MIGX -> Settings -> unique MIGX ID" is different, the undefined error appears for me ...
                  • 54142
                  • 2 Posts
                  Quote from: rt1900 at Nov 30, 2014, 10:59 AM
                  J had the same "undefined" problem...

                  My solution was to use the exactly same name for

                  • MIGX -> Settings -> Name
                  • MIGX -> Settings -> unique MIGX ID
                  • MIGX -> MIGXdb -> Classname

                  when the "MIGX -> Settings -> Name" and the "MIGX -> Settings -> unique MIGX ID" is different, the undefined error appears for me ...

                  This did the job for me!