A bit confused!
Have had a minishop2 site running for a month or so and all is well - several successful orders have passed through it to paypal and successfully out the other side!
However, just had one customer where 2 orders logged in minishop manager - one for items including shipping as expected but then immediately one somehow just for the shipping and no products!
Also, neither received payment through paypal and no cancelled notification back in the manager either (which normally happens if paypal isn't completed).
Any ideas what on earth might have gone down?
:-) Thanks
Just spotted this the the modx log...
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
BUT have just ordered through the store as a customer with no issues whatsoever ....
Seems like doubleclicked on submit? Because two orders. But why the first would be broken by the second I don't know.
Just a quick update on this - as it hadn't happened again until today!
It is indeed impatience by the shopper - waiting for the paypal gateway to appear - thinking nothing is happening so clicking a few times on the submit...
Have added text next to the button saying "be patient etc"....
☆ A M B ☆
- 24,524 Posts
Sweet. Behavioral programming at it's finest.
It's a good practice. Many Logitech mice will double click when you single click after they've been used a lot. The microswitch wears down and they will "unclick" briefly during the click which the computer will view as a double click.
You'll find out about it very fast if you play Freecell with them.