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Answered KCFinder

  • I detest KCFinder and want my old image finder system back.

    how does one do this? barring that does anyone know the last evo version that had the former system????

    This question has been answered by fourroses666. See the first response.


      Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
      Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
      "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
    • The switch to KCFinder was done in 1.0.11 per the changelog, however I wouldn't recommend using that version on any public facing website. Could you elaborate on your complaints with KCFinder?

      [#10050] Replace MCPUK to KCFinder
        Patrick | Server Wrangler
        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
      • issue is mainly that if there are spaces or other nonstandard elements in the filenames it breaks. I'm working with second site with this issue this month. Upgrading becomes problematic, not terribly backwards compatible. Also really liked old system with editor, was selling point.

        is there a REASON this change was made for security, etc?

          Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
          Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
          "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
        • also cant create or rename a file or folder. The functionality is less, user experience is less. One of the main features to assist a content manager is now gone. Anyone have any pointers on how I can swap this for the former image system? point me in the right direction and I'll modify for myself.

            Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
            Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
            "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
          • It doesn't look like any of those issues have been noted in Github. The system shouldn't break when you have spaces/non-standard characters in filenames for example. I don't know anything about the editor (there was one?), that being said the removal of functionality shouldn't have occurred in a minor release. That should have been delayed for a more major release ex: 1.1.0

            In regards to why it was removed and how to restore it you would need to ask someone else. The best I can recommend is reversing the changes specific to that issue. Github should have the changes all recorded.
              Patrick | Server Wrangler
              About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
              • 9995
              • 1,613 Posts
              Renaming folders can be done with a right button click or for mac users with CTRL or smt. Popup menu?

              I have had no problems with updating to KCFinder except for a couple where the server didn't had safe_mode off.

              Do you have front-end problems with spaces in filenames?

              You can set transliteration on in the config > interface for new uploaded images so you don't have any spaces for new images. [ed. note: fourroses666 last edited this post 9 years, 9 months ago.]
                Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley
              • You used to be able to add folders and rename folders and images as well as edit images. now you can apparently rename by right clicking which is bad UI

                also no the issue is not on the front end with spaces in filenames it has to do with backwards compatibility. KCFinder doesnt work AT ALL and all files have to be renamed in order to make it work if they have spaces or odd character in the name.

                I understand about new images but a lot of sites are older. This was a bad decision and I would like an alternative but thats cool. I'll go ahead and change it back myself and post when done. I would really like to help with future iterations of EVO. I don't want Revo Lite. I like Evo.

                  Red Toad Media - Web Design, Louisville KY
                  Hear me tweet: http://www.twitter.com/redtoadmedia
                  "Bring on the imperialistic condiments." - Rory Gilmore
                  • 9995
                  • 1,613 Posts
                  Hmmm, it is pritty weird KCFinder isn't working at all with you, I'm pritty sure I have had spaces too on my images before upgrading Evo. So when you fix 1 folder with spaces in imagenames then it does work? Maybe it is an extreme long image name somewhere which is breaking it or weird character?
                  Upload the image folders one by one and check?

                  I agree on you the right click isn't that great. I don't like that either, it's "hidden".
                  The mass uploading, drop images and remember what folder you where in last time are pritty nice thow. (it's better as Revolutions image upload system tongue)
                    Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley
                  • I think you are missing the image editor in KCFinder. I have never used that feature in MCPUK. And you are right - this feature is missing in KCFinder.

                    • discuss.answer
                      • 9995
                      • 1,613 Posts
                      I think the only way would be to go back to 1.0.10, its in the core files?
                      maybe it is possible to update only the ajaxsearch and some other snippets?

                      Was it a selling point for you? shocked
                        Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley