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  • This is a strange occurrence that I've been unable to get past. I am trying to move a small microsite into a subdirectory using or a2 hosting account, and coming across an error I've never seen before.

    Here is as much info as I have.

    We have two domains: domainA.com and domainB.com

    domainA.com is pointed to the public_html folder

    domainB.com will be pointed to public_html/subfolder/

    I am installing 2.3.1 into a subdirectory. public_html/subfolder/

    in that directory I have an .htacccess file with the following :

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /subfolder/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

    Pretty much the stock ht.access that's included with the base changed.

    Once installed i can see MODX working, and i've rerun the setup (which works fine).

    However the manager login rather than going to http://www.domain.com/subfolder/manager immediately reverts tohttp://www.domain.com/manager

    The manager page, while the css is broken allows me to log in.
    Inspecting the page gives me a bit more to go on.
    Many files are listed like this:
    when I am expecting:

    In my templates my base tags says <base href="http://domainA.com/" />

    I'm using the A2 Prime Web Hosting package.

    any thoughts or more that I can clarify for people?

    This question has been answered by jalterixnar. See the first response.

    [ed. note: jalterixnar last edited this post 9 years, 9 months ago.]
      Senior Designer at Arketi Group - http://www.arketi.com
      Twitter - @jalterixnar - https://twitter.com/jalterixnar

      “There is no dishonor in failing, only in the failure to try.” – Elder fire dragon Kaernyth
      • 28107
      • 230 Posts

      In my templates my base tags says <base href="http://domainA.com/" />

      your base href points to the wrong domain. It sould read domainB.com.
        CONIN Werbeagentur . Köln
      • discuss.answer
        Actually I figured out what it was thanks to Mark Hamstra. I should have been more clear that the base tag was actually using the "<base href="[[++site_url]]" />" but was still writing in the wrong domain. While I changed the paths in the core.config.sys file, as I have never moved a site from the root to the subfolder I also had to change the manager, assets and other paths as well.

          Senior Designer at Arketi Group - http://www.arketi.com
          Twitter - @jalterixnar - https://twitter.com/jalterixnar

          “There is no dishonor in failing, only in the failure to try.” – Elder fire dragon Kaernyth