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    • 24374
    • 322 Posts
    I'm really annoyed by the new menu bar setup. There is just not enough room for menus now. If I add one or two custom menus, anyone with a laptop or other small screen will see a funky menu layout; either they turn into cryptic icons the my clients won't understand, or they wrap onto a second with transparent backgrounds, making them completely unusable.

    The uberbar is really cool, but putting it where it is now makes it way too prominent, like it's the most important thing users will want to use. Very few of my sites have enough pages in them that clients will need to use something like this frequently. I'd much rather have it be activated by a simple "search" menu item. PLUS, the uberbar expands in width when you enter it. Here's what happens in a browser window that is 980 pixels wide, which isn't even very small, even without adding any custom menus:

    Before clicking in search field:

    After clicking in search field:
    [ed. note: rainbowtiger last edited this post 9 years, 9 months ago.]
      • 22427
      • 793 Posts
      I confirm this behaviour. Very annoying indeed.

      It's disappointing that some bugs in the manager interface of the 2.2.x versions didn't get a reworking.