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  • Today we proudly announce the release of the long-awaited MODX Revolution 2.3. This is a huge release incorporating more than a thousand commits by 17 code contributors, dozens of translators and countless bug-reporters.

    Revolution 2.3 features an elegantly refined and updated MODX Manager with an all-new theme designed by Peter Knight (aka eladnova). Build and manage your sites faster, and in a more user friendly and less intimidating workspace. Revolution 2.3 also introduces the Uberbar, which provides Manager users with global search within Resources, Elements and Users. Now, whatever you're looking for is at your fingertips.

    We have tried our best to encourage Extras authors to make sure their extras are up to date and compatible with 2.3, however, there may be extras that have not been tested. Before upgrading or starting a new project in Revolution 2.3, please take a look at this list of Extras confirmed to work with 2.3.

    Highlights of Revolution 2.3
    As mentioned before, this is a pretty significant release, here's just a few key highlights of Revo 2.3:

    • Updated and streamlined MODX Manager User Experience including:[list]Noticeably faster page and screen loading / more performant ExtJS DOM
    • New uberbar to find any Resource, Chunk, Snippet, Template or Plugin by name
    • All new default Manager theme with native gravatar support
    • Simpler customization workflow for making custom Manager themes using Sass
    • Open Manager Views in Tabs or New Windows
    • A slew of improvements and new features including:Custom Headers for Content Types
    • Font-Awesome 4 icons replace PNGs for UI Elements
    • Open objects like resources or actions in new Tabs/Windows for multi-tabbed browser workspace
    • Updated languages from our many translators and proofreaders thanks to moving to Crowdin for group translations
    • Five new manager translations added: Chinese, Finnish, Indonesian, Romanain, Danish and Belarusian
    • Full-screen Media Browser
    • Security patches from all 2.2.x releases
    • Hundreds of bugfixes, enhancements and more
    • For a complete list of changes view the changelog

    Thanks to the Contributors
    Lets give thanks to those whose code and pull requests were integrated into this release: danyaPostfactum, Daniel Melo (danielmelo89) , enigmatic-user, JP Devries (jpdevries), John Peca (TheBoxer), Jason Coward (opengeek), Garry Nutting (garryn), exside, Jiri Pavlicek (jiripavlicek), Mark Hamstra (Mark-H), Luk (exside), Petri Rautianen (the-dunnock), Romain Tripault (rtripault) Menno Pietersen, (DESIGNfromWITHIN), Ivan Klimchuk (Alroniks), Mike Reid (pixelchutes), Christian Seel (christianseel), David Pede (davidpede), Rico (goldsky), Ryan Thrash (rthrash), Alexey (Qwarble), Joakim Nyman (fractalwolf), Zaigham Rana (zaigham), Peter Knight (eladnova), Oliver Haase-Lobinger (mindeffects), Thomas Gautvedt (OptimusCrime), Gildas Noel (krismas), Thomas D (thomasd), vasia123, Jeroen Kenters (jkenters), Andrey Grachov (grachov), Jacqbus, Gleb Stiblo (UlfR), Richard (Ketziel), smanu85, Liam Kerr (tehsquidge), Dmitry Ponomarev (earthperson), Kreuder (mkay), Bert Oost (bertoost), argnist, Rimas Kudelis (rimas-kudelis), Steve Morgan (StevenMorgan), okyanet, and Bob Ray (BobRay).

    We certainly don't want to leave any contributors out. If we did, please let us know and we'll add you promptly. We truly appreciate all you've done to help out.

    Get Started with Revo 2.3
    Here's what you need to get started or upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.3:

    It Takes a Village
    MODX is only as good as it is because of many individual community members and users that take the time to report issues and request new features. Make sure you read the documentation, post feedback and share your successes in the MODX community forums.

    On behalf of the entire MODX Team,
    Thank-you![/list] [ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 9 years, 9 months ago.]
      [sepiariver.com] (https://sepiariver.com/)

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