MODX Revolution translation is managed at our Crowdin MODX Revolution project. This service (free to Open Source projects) allows global access for translation contributors with moderation by Proofreaders. There are no special tools required (and no GitHub PRs) to make translations, only a free Crowdin account and a browser.
Anyone is now welcome to contribute to the translations via Crowdin, however, acceptance and integration is the responsibility of Proofreaders.
Current Translation Poofreaders:
Before you get started at Crowdin, you'll need an account to be a translator (it's free). To get one,
use this invite link. You have two choices when it comes to translations. You can choose one or both, however, the in-context editing makes things like setup and transactional message strings less likely to see.
Method A: Crowdin Oline Translation
- Go to
- Pick a language you want to translate
- Select the file you want to translate (status bar shows progress: grey - not translated, blue - suggestions sent, green - suggestions approved)
- Translate (items with red bullet have no suggestion, you should focus on them)
Method B: In-Context Translation
- Request the login credentials for in-context editing from help [at] modx [dot] com
- Go to (Firefox freezes on this page, try to use other browser)
- Login with your crowdin account in the dialog and pick a language you want to translate
- Login to the MODX manager with the credentials from step 1
If you have any questions about translations or contributing, please email help [at] modx [dot] com.
[ed. note: smashingred last edited this post 10 years, 6 months ago.]