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    UPDATE: I just had to add the tpl chunk calls to the ajax page too:-)

    I have the mxCalendar working OK and have added my own styling but all the styling is lost when I click through the months.
    My calls are as follows:
    The ajax resource ID#1257
    [[!mxcalendar@mx?  &modalView=`1` &tplDetail=`tplDetail-mod` &theme=`dws`]]

    My mxcalendar chunk:
    [[!mxcalendar? &displayType=`calendar` &ajaxResourceId=`1257` &resourceId=`1256` &modalView=`true` &theme=`dws` &tplEvent=`tplEvent-mod` &tplWeek=`tplWeek-mod` &tplMonth=`tplMonth-mod`]]

    I can send a link to the page if it helps but i can't see why this is happening?


    J [ed. note: 9thwave last edited this post 9 years, 11 months ago.]
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