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    I'm trying to get a summary of an article on a 'non-article' page using GetResources. I just can't get the image to show up.

    Here is my call:


    And here is my template:

    <div class="post">
        <div class="flex_post_content">
            <a href="[[~[[+id]]]]"><img src="[[+flex_blog_image]]" alt="[[+pagetitle]]" class="flex_blog_post_image" /></a>
            <h2 class="title"><a href="[[~[[+id]]]]">[[+pagetitle]]</a></h2>
        <div class="flex_postmeta">
            <p><span class="date">[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%b %d, %Y`]]</span> [[%articles.posted_by]] 
                <a href="[[~[[*id]]]]author/[[+createdby:userinfo=`username`]]">[[+createdby:userinfo=`username`]]</a> [[+comments_enabled:is=`1`:then=`<a href="[[~[[+id]]]]#comments" class="comments">[[%articles.comments]] ([[!QuipCount? &thread=`article-b[[+parent]]-[[+id]]`]])</a>`]][[+tv.articlestags:notempty=` | <span class="tags">[[%articles.tags]]: [[!tolinks? &items=`[[+articlestags]]` &target=`[[*id]]` &useTagsFurl=`1`]]</span>`]]</p>
            <p><a href="[[~[[+id]]]]" class="readmore button">[[%articles.read_more]]</a></p>
            <hr />

    The output is:

    <a href="blog/28/04/2014/10-reasons-to-eat-an-apple-a-day/"><img src="" alt="10 reasons to eat an apple a day" class="flex_blog_post_image" /></a>

    What am I missing? Any help much appreciated. [ed. note: chrisandy last edited this post 10 years ago.]
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