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  • I'm using Revo 2.2.14, advanced installation.
    I'm afraid there is some problem with files permission...

    In the error.log I can't find anything interesting, with the browser console, when I try to create a new album i.e. I have the following errors:

    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function ext-all.js:7
    create ext-all.js:7
    Ext.extend.load modx.js:74
    Ext.extend.createAlbum album.tree.js:39
    Ext.applyIf.tbar.handler album.tree.js:10
    Ext.Button.Ext.extend.onClick ext-all.js:7
    I ext-all.js:7

    does anybody can help me?
      TilliLab | MODX Ambassador
      • 44234
      • 219 Posts
      Not seen this before but there have been issues with recent versions of gallery. Can you report this here: https://github.com/modxcms/Gallery/issues to make sure the dev is aware.

        Find me on Twitter, GitHub or Google+
      • You are right, I'll report it.

        anyway I noticed that it happened to many of my sites, most of all I could solve with the "repair permission" tool of the hosting.

        It seems that some file (i.e. assets/components/gallery/connectors.php) need to be executable, but I've not been able to specify the exact list of files involved.

          TilliLab | MODX Ambassador