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    • 33379
    • 110 Posts
    I have mxCalendar installed and working on a site, but I need to create a user with "Content Editor" levels of access that can edit the calendar. I have added the "components" permission to the basic "Content Editor" Access Policy so that mxCalendar can be accessed and seen, but no existing entries show up. I have tried a number of combinations of additional permissions but can't get the entries to show, so does anyone know what permissions are required to create an Access Policy that enables editing mxCalendar entries?

    Many thanks - Zaphodx [ed. note: zaphodx last edited this post 10 years, 6 months ago.]
      • 33379
      • 110 Posts
      OK, so I have tried a process of elimination and have found that even with all 172 permisions enabled, when logged in as a non-admin user I can see the mxCalendar component but I can't see any of the existing event entries, I can create new events however but seemingly can't delete them. So my question now is what other User sttings do I need to set up to be able to see the existing events?

      Zaphodx [ed. note: zaphodx last edited this post 10 years, 5 months ago.]
        • 5430
        • 247 Posts
        Same problem here. Even users with the same admin user group cannot view each events others in the group have created. I'm assuming this is not a permissions problem but an issue with mxCalendar. I'll post back if I find a solution.