Hi, I need to create a "archive" section for a website where to freeze previous years.
I created a new context "archive2013" and a folder "archive2013" in the web root, where I placed index.php and config.inc.php.
I modified the Nginx web rules as follows:
location /archive2013/ {
rewrite ^/archive2013/(.*)$ /archive2013/index.php?q=$1 break;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ @modx-rewrite;
But if I access to www.mysite.com/archive2013/ the webserver makes me
download "index.php"...
and so on, if I access to:
www.mysite.com/archive2013/index.php?id=54 the webserver makes me download "alias_of_resource_54.html"
how can I adjust the web rules?