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  • Revolution 2.2.14 was released today. This patch release contains numerous fixes and improvements including further security enhancements relating to the fixes in 2.2.13. One nice little addition is the ability to upload transport packages directly from the Package Management interface, making it much easier to add packages from third party providers.

    This release includes additional security enhancements and therefore should be considered a mandatory upgrade. If you need help upgrading your site, please contact your website builder,find a MODX Professional or get in touch withMODX Support.

    Here are some of the highlights of 2.2.14:

    • Add upload functionality directly to PackageManager grid
    • Disabled dirty check on save button in Resources
    • Add proper validation for modSession id
    • Added OnElementNotFound system event
    • For a complete list of changes view the changelog.

    Lets give thanks to those whose code was integrated in this release: Romain Tripault (rtripault), John Peca (TheBoxer), Jason Coward (opengeek), Garry Nutting (garryn), exside, Mike Reid (pixelchutes), Giovanni Harting, and danyaPostfactum.

    Here's what you need to get started or upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.2.14:
    MODX is only as good as it is because of many individual community members and users that take the time to report issues and request new features. Make sure you read the documentation, post feedback and share your successes in the MODX community forums.

    On behalf of the entire MODX Team,
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

    This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.