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    • 36613
    • 328 Posts
    I have a list of resources, once resoruces have got an album of image with a new variabiles of gallery "Album cover".
    I want see the list of resources with the album cover. Help me smiley
    • If you're using getResources then you need to add the includeTVs and processTVs parameters to your getResources call.

      Something like this:

      [[!getResources? &parents=`id_of_your_resource` &tpl=`chunk_to_handle_templating` &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1`]]

      Make sure to prefix your album cover tv with tv in your chunk in order for it to work, so in your chunk you would use


      to access your album cover template variable if the TVs name is album_cover.

      Now if you are using a gallery TV that might require a bit more work so maybe posting more details on your setup is needed to give you more accurate information.

      Good luck.
        Benjamin Marte
        Interactive Media Developer
        Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX
        • 36613
        • 328 Posts
        Hi benmarte, your solution is the classic solution.
        But in the new versione of components gallery you can assoce a cover to once gallery a cover. Whatch the screen attach.
        • cristianb88 Interesting, I haven't used Gallery ever since MIGX was created. I guess you would need to find the placeholder for the album cover in order to reference it. I will tweet the author of the extra to this post hopefully he can chime in and help you out.
            Benjamin Marte
            Interactive Media Developer
            Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX