Hi guys, I have Quip 2.3.3 installed on Rev 2.2.10 and the system settings re: email notifications are not being respected - All email notifications about comments are being sent to the email address the admin user is setup with and not the email address as specified in the system settings...
Anyone know how to fix this? Seems like a rather major bug???
☆ A M B ☆
- 45 Posts
I get no notifications at all from new comments. Neither the site admin, nor the author of the blog post, nor the ++quip.emailsTo address does get a notification email.
Strange enough: the author of a comment, when checking the "notify me of new comments", does get an email.
Is this a bug? It is Quip 2.3.3., it came with Articles 1.7.9 on Revo 2.3.2.
Or did I miss something?
Tassu, webmaster of Valokammi
☆ A M B ☆
- 66 Posts
Has anyone got the to work properly?