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    • 37042
    • 384 Posts
    For some reason, after ugrading Articles recently, Quip now says it's uninstalled.

    When I try to install it, I get the following Package Management Error. I can see that it's having issues with 'Duplicate Comments' but not quite sure what to do.

    Client is running Articles 1.7.6 on MODX 2.2.10pl site (MODX Cloud).

    I loggedinto the PHPMyAdmin and can see the modx_quip_comments table does contain data and on the front end, is displaying comments sucessfully.

    Console running...
    Attempting to install package with signature: quip-2.3.3-pl
    Package found...now preparing to install.
    Grabbing package workspace...
    Workspace environment initiated, now installing package...
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => quip.emailsFrom ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => quip.emails_from_name ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => quip.emailsTo ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => quip.emailsReplyTo ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => quip.allowed_tags ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => recaptcha.public_key ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => recaptcha.private_key ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modSystemSetting (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [key] => recaptcha.use_ssl ) 
    Skipping vehicle object of class modPluginEvent (data object exists and cannot be upgraded); criteria: Array ( [pluginid] => 2 [event] => OnEmptyTrash ) 
    Attempting to preserve files at /paas/REMOVED/www/core/components/quip into archive /paas/REMOVED/www/core/packages/quip-2.3.3-pl/modCategory/5888e14b1c8e5c8ae6c287c24a9db855.0.preserved.zip
    Attempting to preserve files at /paas/REMOVED/www/assets/components/quip into archive /paas/REMOVED/www/core/packages/quip-2.3.3-pl/modCategory/5888e14b1c8e5c8ae6c287c24a9db855.1.preserved.zip
    Error adding field quipComment->name: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'name' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->email: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'email' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->website: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'website' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->resource: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'resource' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->idprefix: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'idprefix' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->existing_params: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'existing_params' ) 
    Error adding index resource to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] => Duplicate key name 'resource' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->ip: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'ip' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->rank: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'rank' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->approvedby: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'approvedby' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->deleted: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'deleted' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->deletedon: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'deletedon' ) 
    Error adding field quipComment->deletedby: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'deletedby' ) 
    Error adding index approvedby to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] => Duplicate key name 'approvedby' ) 
    Error adding index deleted to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] => Duplicate key name 'deleted' ) 
    Error adding index deletedby to quipComment: Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1061 [2] => Duplicate key name 'deletedby' ) 
    Error adding field quipThread->quip_call_params: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'quip_call_params' ) 
    Error adding field quipThread->quipreply_call_params: Array ( [0] => 42S21 [1] => 1060 [2] => Duplicate column name 'quipreply_call_params' ) 
      • 37042
      • 384 Posts
      I've seen similar issues across the forum and people advising that this is not fatal - merley the Package Manager advising that those columns already exist.

      But in my case, Quip hangs at the last line and never says 'Successfull Installed'