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    • 33531
    • 15 Posts


    This extra provides advanced batch management static elements (chunks, plugins, snippets, templates) of the website running on MODX CMF.


    1. Quick elements creation from one place in Manager.
    2. Auto-creation elements from files.
    3. Synchronisation of elements between file system and DB.

    Possible future features:

    1. Bulk deletion of static elements.
    2. Bulk creation of static elements.
    3. Extra option page.
    4. Development mode option.

    Feel free to ask about features and propose new features! [ed. note: Zigzag last edited this post 10 years, 8 months ago.]
      • 37042
      • 384 Posts
      Brilliant Extra. Just tried it and hadn't realised it was so badly needed!
        • 25803 ☆ A M B ☆
        • 721 Posts
        When I select this from the Components menu I get a blank screen (MODX Cloud, 2.2.10). Manually deleted cache files, flushed sessions and permissions, logged out, logged back in, etc.
          • 33531
          • 15 Posts
          Quote from: eladnova at Feb 03, 2014, 03:44 PM
          Brilliant Extra. Just tried it and hadn't realised it was so badly needed!

          Glad you liked it! Feel free to suggest new features or improvements.

          Quote from: rx2 at Feb 03, 2014, 05:08 PM
          When I select this from the Components menu I get a blank screen (MODX Cloud, 2.2.10). Manually deleted cache files, flushed sessions and permissions, logged out, logged back in, etc.

          Thank you for your feedback. The problem was confirmed and will be fixed soon. https://github.com/lovata/modx-semanager/issues/7
            • 38525
            • 26 Posts
            I agree with Eladnova: this is such a good extra!!

            I am using ElementHelper a lot at the moment, which works really well for me, but it doesn't have the option to export existing elements to static files.. Was so surprised to see this extra do that with one push of a button!

            Only problem is that it creates an absolute path to the file now.. Can you make it use the filesystem media source as base instead, or maybe even a custom media source specifically for elements?
              • 33531
              • 15 Posts
              suikerzout, thank you for the feedback! I see you request at GitHub. It will be implemented in the nearest release.

              Also announce the release of two new versions. Due to technical problems with moderation, he paused. Apologize for that.



              • [#8] Added synchronization by category
              • [#9] Added simple progressbar for synchronization and creating elements of the files
              • Added the ability to edit and delete files directly from "Activity" tab
              • Added a filter by type on the "Activity" tab
              • Minor bug fixes


              • [#11] Added compatibility with AjaxManager plugin
              [ed. note: Zigzag last edited this post 10 years, 4 months ago.]
                • 38525
                • 26 Posts
                Very cool! If you need any help testing things out, just let me know!
                  • 33531
                  • 15 Posts
                  Deal! =)
                    • 38525
                    • 26 Posts
                    Hi Pavel,

                    Sorry for the delay, been a bit busy lately.

                    I'm going to give it a spin again now, but how can I install 0.2.1-pl? I can only see 0.2.0 in package management, and there's no transport-package on Github.. And just let me know if you have a development branch or something that you want to have tested, then I'll install that instead and give it a go!
                      • 39666
                      • 29 Posts
                      Error installing thru package manager.

                      MODx 3.0.0-dev

                      [2018-07-13 23:58:03] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\xPDO.php : 652) Could not load class: xPDOTransport from transport.xpdotransport
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:03] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\model\modx\transport\modtransportpackage.class.php : 388) No se pudo abrir el archivo para su procesamiento: semanager-0.2.2-pl.transport.zip?revolution_version=Revolution-3.0.0-dev
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:03] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Compression\xPDOZip.php : 51) xPDOZip: Error opening archive at F:/XAMPP/htdocs/modx3/core/packages/semanager-0.2.2-pl.transport.zip
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:03] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Compression\xPDOZip.php : 135) PHP warning: ZipArchive::extractTo(): Invalid or uninitialized Zip object
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:03] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Compression\xPDOZip.php : 146) PHP warning: ZipArchive::close(): Invalid or uninitialized Zip object
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:03] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Transport\xPDOTransport.php : 682) Could not unpack package F:/XAMPP/htdocs/modx3/core/packages/semanager-0.2.2-pl.transport.zip to F:/XAMPP/htdocs/modx3/core/packages/. SIG: semanager-0.2.2-pl
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:18] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\xPDO.php : 652) Could not load class: xPDOTransport from transport.xpdotransport
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:18] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Compression\xPDOZip.php : 51) xPDOZip: Error opening archive at F:/XAMPP/htdocs/modx3/core/packages/semanager-0.2.2-pl.transport.zip
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:18] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Compression\xPDOZip.php : 135) PHP warning: ZipArchive::extractTo(): Invalid or uninitialized Zip object
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:18] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Compression\xPDOZip.php : 146) PHP warning: ZipArchive::close(): Invalid or uninitialized Zip object
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:18] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\Transport\xPDOTransport.php : 682) Could not unpack package F:/XAMPP/htdocs/modx3/core/packages/semanager-0.2.2-pl.transport.zip to F:/XAMPP/htdocs/modx3/core/packages/. SIG: semanager-0.2.2-pl
                      [2018-07-13 23:58:40] (ERROR @ F:\XAMPP\htdocs\modx3\core\vendor\xpdo\xpdo\src\xPDO\xPDO.php : 652) Could not load class: xPDOTransport from transport.xpdotransport