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    • 36830
    • 140 Posts
    mxCalendar is great but it doesn't have any options for users to create events. Is there any way I can modify or an addon that would put me closer? thanks in advance.
      • 44567
      • 23 Posts
      Actually, the database structure of mxCalendar is pretty simple.

      <prefix>mxcalendars_events is the table. You can pretty much write a little snippet that will just insert events into it. You can pretty much 'steal' everything from the core/model/mgr snippets and style everything to your bidding. But right now, there is no built-in functionality for that.

      However, there is something in the core, I don't know if he actually uses this, but this is directly from core/components/mxcalendars/elements/snippets/snippet.eventSubmission.php

      $mxcal = $modx->getService('mxcalendars','mxCalendars',$modx->getOption('mxcalendars.core_path',null,$modx->getOption('core_path').'components/mxcalendars/').'model/mxcalendars/',$scriptProperties);
      if (!($mxcal instanceof mxCalendars)) return 'Error loading instance of mxCalendars.';
      $allFormFields = $hook->getProperties();
      //-- Get the mxCalendar object and set the values from form
      $mxcalendar = $modx->newObject('mxCalendarEvents');
      $mxcalendar->set('title', $hook->getProperty('fld1'));
      $mxcalendar->set('startdate', strtotime($hook->getProperty('fld2')));
      $mxcalendar->set('enddate', strtotime($hook->getProperty('fld3')));
      $mxcalendar->set('location_name', $hook->getProperty('fld4'));
      $mxcalendar->set('description', $hook->getProperty('fld12'));
      $mxcalendar->set('location_address', $hook->getProperty('fld5').', '.$hook->getProperty('fld6').', '.$hook->getProperty('fld7'));
      $mxcalendar->set('link', $hook->getProperty('fld13'));
      // Set the new event to inactive so an Administrator can review and approve prior to listing
      //-- Set a fixed (default) category for submissions [Main Calendar]
        $mxcalendar->set('categoryid', $hook->getProperty('fld18')  );
      //-- Set a static value of source to indicate it was user generated
      $mxcalendar->set('source', 'user submission');
      //-- Just some additional record house keeping for repeating
      if($hook->getProperty('fld15') !== null && $hook->getProperty('fld16') !== null){
      	$frequencymode = $hook->getProperty('fld15'); // Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
      	$onDayOfWeek = array();
      	$onDayOfWeek[] = strftime('%u', strtotime($hook->getProperty('fld2')));
      	$repeatDates = _getRepeatDates($frequencymode ,1 ,1 , strtotime($hook->getProperty('fld2')) ,strtotime($hook->getProperty('fld16')) ,$onDayOfWeek);
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeaton', ','.implode(',',$onDayOfWeek).','); //** this one is required or the backend manager will fail to allow updating do to JS error
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeating', 1);
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeattype', $frequencymode);
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeatdates', (!empty($repeatDates)?$repeatDates:''));
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeatfrequency', 1);
      	// Add to log report if debug is set
      	if($hook->getProperty('debug') == '1') $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[mxFormBuilder] <h2>mxFormBuilder</h2> _getRpeatDate:<br />'.$repeatDates.' by passing '.print_r(array($frequencymode ,1 ,1 ,$hook->getProperty('fld2') ,$hook->getProperty('fld16') ,$onDayOfWeek),true) );
      } else {
        // No repeat
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeaton', ''); //** this one is required or the backend manager will fail to allow updating do to JS error
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeating', 0);
      	$mxcalendar->set('repeattype', 0);
      // @TODO - Make field names managable so we can do a quick mapping
      // Save the new entry
      	$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,'[mxFormBuilder::mxCalendar->Submission Save] mxCalendar Submission Saved :: Event Id => '.$mxcalendar->get('id').'<br /><br />');
      } else {
      	$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[mxFormBuilder] <h2>mxFormBuilder</h2> Unable to save mxCalendar submission.'.json_encode($allFormFields).'<br /><br />');
      $mxformbuilder->hookoutput = '<h2>mxFormBuilder Hooks: Testing</h2>'.json_encode($allFormFields).'<br /><br />';
      // We can output some debug info if we set the debug flag in parameters
      if($hook->getProperty('debug') == '1'){
      	$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'[mxFormBuilder] <h2>Test mxFormBuilder Hooks</h2>'.json_encode($allFormFields).'<br /><br />');
      // Tell mxFormBuilder that the hook was successful
      return true;

      This might give you a good point to start from.
