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  • Hi,

    I am planning on using Discuss for a client build, but seem to be hitting some hurdles along the way - would I be able to get some more information about these issues:

    Installing from Package Manager (Extras) I get version 1.2

    1. The "remove thread" functionality does not work within manager (missing processor - also the label is blank) - this bug: http://bugs.modx.com/issues/9700
    2. When reporting A post - all that happens is the report page refreshes, this isn't logged anywhere???

    If I install the dev package from Github (https://github.com/modxcms/Discuss/tree/develop/_packages) then the manager works but cannot view the Forum on the main context (out of memory - with a 4GB max memory limit)

    I have cleared cache folders and restarted php during my tests.
