Hy guys, i'm newbie in modx. So i need detailed explanation. My issue is about frontend usage of tiniMCE. So, how can i configure this snippet to redact the template, chunks and tvs on the frontend of my site. Or this impossible.
does it need to be tinyMCE ?
Or what exactly do you want to edit from frontend and why and who should be able to edit things from frontend and which features does the richtext-editor need to have?
Does it need to be a richtext-editor at all or would a simple textarea would do it?
More detailed questions may result in more detailed answers.
what was your issue with newspublisher?
By the way i'm stoped on it, until i'm finding something better.
may be this one:
but this will take a while to be ready for the publics.
It would be great just if they realize all from the title.
Oh its yours? Lol, God is that you?
Its allready working on customer-projects for their needs.
Only some of the input-types are working for now.
I don't think its working on all browsers for now.
But its allready possible to create/edit Resources with TVs (listbox,textarea,checkbox,textbox,date, datetime) and some special ones.
MIGX and MIGXdb - grids are in the works currently.
A Richtext - editor will follow later.
And a file-browser based on elFinder, connectable to mediaSources too.
Also all other xpdo-objects are editable allready.
The Forms and other stuff like window-buttons are configurable as used within the MIGX-Configurator for MIGX/MIGXdb