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    I think I'm missing something here.. I want to include all resources, except one.
    I tried this:

    [[!GetIds? &ids=`-128`]]

    And also

    [[!GetIds? &ids=`128,-128`]]

    Both output nothing. Problem is I can't specify a parent, because the resources are located in the root. I also can't specify the entire list of resource id's, because the user can add more of them.

    I also tried this (to include all children in the root folder?)

    [[!GetIds? &ids=`0,c0,128,-128`]]

    This also outputs nothing (zero for root is not an option I think ;-)

    GetIds is installed and working with simple values, like:

    [[!GetIds? &ids=`c35`]]

    So the question is, how to get all resources and then exclude a few. Thanks for any help!

    -MODX Revolution 2.2.9
    -AdvSearch 1.0.1
    -GetIds 1.0