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    • 44375
    • 92 Posts
    Just did this, didn't find anything on the internet linking these two great bits of software, so thought I'd post my solution quickly. Magnific is a really, really solid, well designed Javascript lightbox/gallery tool. It stresses the boring basic engineering side of Javascript plugins - cross-platform portability, resilience, versatility and performance. I have tested many, and this one ticks boxes such as intelligent degrading, speed, CSS over JS, centring, iframes, mobiles and touch screens, keyboard, right-click and simplicity, if sometimes being a bit less snazzy than others. Whole detailed articles have been written on how magnific degrades, for example.

    Chunk GalleryThumbTpl provides the data for magnific in the a tag:

    <div class="[[+cls]]" style="float:left; width: 200px; padding: 27px;">
      <h2 style="padding:20px 0;text-transform:capitalize;">[[+name]]</strong></h2>
      <a href="[[+linkToImage:if=`[[+linkToImage]]`:is=`1`:then=`[[+image_absolute]]`:else=`[[~[[*id]]?
          &[[+tagRequestVar]]=`[[+tag]]` ]]`]]" alt="[[+description]]" title="[[+name]]">
        <img class="[[+imgCls]]" src="[[+thumbnail]]" alt="[[+name]] - click to zoom" title="[[+name]] - click to zoom" />

    The gallery template handles the CSS and JS:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/magnific-popup.css" />
    <script src="js/magnific.min.js"></script>

    You can build versions of magnific.js with just the features you use, but I found the full build with everything worked better in fringe cases, for example dynamic cropping in Chrome, even though I use the bare minimum of features - no zoom, Retina, etc.

    Later in the template comes the Gallery call:

    <div class="popup-gallery">
        [[!Gallery? &album=`[[*pagetitle]]` &thumbTpl=`GalleryThumbTpl` &linkToImage=`1` &thumbWidth=`200` &thumbHeight=`200` ]]

    Then at the bottom, (but before Google Analytics), the magnific call:

      jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    			delegate: 'a',
    			type: 'image',
    			tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...',
    			mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile',
    			disableOn: 400,
    			closeOnContentClick: true,  // ONLY for images
    			gallery: {
    				enabled: true,
    				navigateByImgClick: true,
    				preload: [1,2] // Will preload 1 before and 2 after the current image
    			image: {
    				tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.',
    				titleSrc: function(item) {
    					return '<strong>' + item.el.attr('title') + '</strong><br/>' + item.el.attr('alt');

    Kept it all super-basic for maximum resilience.
      • 38547
      • 98 Posts
      Not tried this yet just installed gallery and seeing what examples were on this forum, are you able to post or PM me a link to where this is working.


        • 44375
        • 92 Posts
        Sorry I'm afraid I can't - client hasn't got round to publishing their gallery yet. It displays simple thumbnails then a full screen (to the size of the image, shades the rest of the page) zoom.