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  • Hi,

    This is easy to do with getPage, i.e.


    But I can't figure out how to do it for SimpleSearch.

    We don't want the pagination to appear at all if the results only take up 1 page and of course we need it to show up if the results take up more than one page.

    In documentation, the pagination example (in the containerTpl) is:

    <div class="sisea-paging"><span class="sisea-result-pages">[[%sisea.result_pages? &namespace=`sisea` &topic=`default`]]</span>[[+paging]]</div>

    We're using Bootstrap 3 so we have this (though the results are the same:

    <ul class="pagination"><li><span>Pages </span></li>[[+paging]]</ul>

    What we need to know is, is there a value we can check that says there is more than 1 page and then therefore use a conditional statement similar to the one we use for getPage? [ed. note: rx2 last edited this post 10 years, 6 months ago.]