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  • The @EVAL runSnippet problem is fixed with the commit above. Before the commit all NOTICE errors lead to an alert in Manager. It is now on 1.0.13RC too.
      • 21144
      • 4 Posts
      I tried using the file referenced above and, separately, the file at https://github.com/dmi3yy/evolution/blob/master/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php

      The files are different, but neither file fixes the error that occurs when saving a snippet. When saving the Page Not Found page is displayed in the main content frame.

      In both cases I simply replaced the one file. Is that what is recommended? Or must the entire new includes folder be inserted on the server for version 1.0.12 ?

      • You just have to update/insert the detectError/evalPlugin/evalSnippet functions in document parser class.

        This is mainly a fix for an error occuring with runSnippet function in an @EVAL binding in a template variable during creating/saving a new ressource. In that case E_NOTICE was not filtered even if it was excluded in system setting 'detection level of PHP errors'.

        It does not fix your snippet saving issue, since the fix is not for that problem. Don't know what issue is happening on your installation. So please tell a bit more what you try to do, what error occurs.

        And please open a new thread for that.