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    I am using mxCalendar and it's mini calendar on my MODX site and I am working local with MAMP.
    This is such a wonderful add-on thank you very much!

    My problem is how could I call [[+detailURL]] to different resource ID? Now it's open the same <div> column where the calendar is. I like to have it open in full width on new resource ID. Is it possible?

    Code in template:
    <div id="[[+id]][[+rid]]" class="[[+eventClass]]" >
    <a href="[[+detailURL]]" class="[[+mxcmodalClass]]" title="SEE EVENT LISTING"><span class="title [[+eventCategoryInlineCss]]">[[+dayOfMonth]]</span></a>

    2. question is about the month and time on frontend view. When I add new Event on backend editor, everything looks fine. Start Time and End Time are right as they should be. On frontend time is same like my watch/computer time. I try to look mxcalendar snippet, but not so sure where is the place I could change that right or is it even that snippet I should look?

    3. question. Where should I change the english months to another language. I already changed weekdays to different language in core/components/mxcalendars/lexicon/en/default.inc.php and they changed ok.

    4. question. How could I change the time display to 24 hours view, like like 9.45 or 14.11 instead 4:11 PM?

    Frontend view now and what I like to be change.
    Oct 26 4:11 PM - 4:11 PM
    <- need to change language of the month and time from AM/PM to 24h.
    it also shown wrong 4:11 - 4:11, on backend it's all fine.

    Duration: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
    <- duration time looks alright.

    Thank You!