This question has been answered by multiple community members. See the first response.
[!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &landingPage=`20`!]
[!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &showInputForm=`0`!]
To show the results in a separate page you need to turn the AJAX part of AjaxSearch off for the search form:
[!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &landingPage=`20`!]
Then on your landing page you need another AjaxSearch snippet call to process the search form's values and (optionally) not show the form again:
[!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &showInputForm=`0`!]
You need to specify &showResults=`0` in the upper right snippet. I presume this is in your template.
This may prove useful, although I'm not sure if there are more recent versions available now.