Here is a comparison of pthumb, phpthumbof and phpthumbsup:
Here is my way to avoid the old phpthumb of the Gallery. I use pthumb, the parameters stay the same:
Gallery call:
<div id="lightgallery" class="lbContainer">
chunk: galThumb2
<a href="" data-responsive="[[+fileurl:phpthumbof=`w=375&h=375&useResizer=1`]] 375, [[+fileurl:phpthumbof=`w=480&h=480&useResizer=1`]] 480, [[+fileurl:phpthumbof=`w=800&h=800&useResizer=1`]] 800" data-src="[[+fileurl:phpthumbof=`w=1600&h=1200&useResizer=1`]]" data-sub-html="<h4>[[+name]]</h4><p>[[+description]]</p>" data-pinterest-text="Pin it1" data-tweet-text="share on twitter 1">
<img[[+imgCls:notempty=`class="[[+imgCls]]"`]] src="[[+fileurl:phpthumbof=`w=156&h=156&zc=1&useResizer=1`]]" alt="[[+description]]" title="[[+name]]"[[+image_attributes:notempty=` [[+image_attributes]]`]] />
<div class="zoomer">
<img src="template/hotel-gutshof-busch/js/vendor/lightgallery/img/zoom.png" alt="zoom" />
In the Settings of pthumb (name: phpthumbof) I switched the pthumb-cache on, resizer off.
I had a strange issue: Switching Resizer in the System-Settings on gave me some errors: Memory exceeded!
Switching it off and puttig the Parameter in galThumb2 everything was OK!
With every try I deleted the cache of course.