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    Thank you, ADM, for the offer.

    I have run Revolution in the past on my previous server without issues. I had only run one site with it and though I am sure it was not as fast as Evo., it was not slow-enough for me to notice that anything was "wrong". I had a free VPS for years on a server at a friend's data-center. Earlier in the summer the whole server went down (I think it was an HD crash). But since it wasn't charging me, I didn't want to bother him so I decided to try another commercial host (the move to Hostgator).

    You're right that moving the Modx sites shouldn't be THAT big of a deal. I have the components locally, I just have to put the pieces back in place. (I guess I could save the DBs, too - something couldn't do after the crash.) But I do also have a few other sites that do not run Modx... Two are just custom html / php sites and the other is an e-commerce site. I didn't want to have more down time than I already did this summer, while I deal with moving and rebuilding. - I am not sure if Cpanel has the ability to save everything for a transfer... I did a site backup from my previous server, and all kinds of pieces were missing - may have had to do with the crash (if that is what happened) but it ended up not helping me.

    So, for now, I am going to see about switching my other sites from Revo to Evo and live with that for a while. In the future, maybe I will give Revo a shot on another host.
    • Hello,

      You are most welcome, the offer is good any time. In regards to the actual transfer, cPanel makes it painless, and we are able to move everything seamlessly (cPanel <> cPanel). If the old server had failed that likely affected your move, but between two good servers figure about 10-20 minutes per cPanel account depending on total account size.

      In either case I am glad you found a solution that worked for you.
        Patrick | Server Wrangler
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