Hi, I'm building a site that will be selling just a few music downloads that doesn't warrant the use of a subscription ecommerce system such as Foxycart. SimpleCartjs would have been the best solution but does not yet handle download sales. Can anyone recommend a package or simple solution for this?
Many thanks - Zaphodx
Did you ever find a solution for this?
I am looking for something at the moment. I might go for woocommerce and wordpress for simplicity in setting it up if I can't find anything else.
We are using minishop2 plus paypal for payment, I guess it probably can handle download sales. We are a service so I am not sure, but its easy to offer paypal and credit cards payment with minishop2
You might check out Gumroad. They will charge for your downloads and send the money to your bank account. It's dead easy to set up and their cut is about the same as PayPal's.
Ah BobRay you use Gumroad for your downloads, don't you. It worked well when I bought the Modx book, I remember the name
Yes, I use it for the book and for a couple of commercial extras (GoRevo, and SiteCheck).