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    • 9375
    • 5 Posts
    I'm using the nice Add-on Formz in a project in order to have a backup of the submissions in the database and to have the capacity to watch easily these submissions thank to the component Formz Builder.

    My form is very complex, with fields to hide or show (with jQuery) depending of the values that the user selects. So I need to have a total control on the HTML code of the form, with big div zones to hide/show. I have partial control on the visual aspect with CSS, it's nice but not enough.

    I try to make a form which calls fields one by one instead to use [[+fields]] in the formTpl file in order to add easily the divs containing the fields. But I don't know if it's possible.
    Is it? And in this case, have you an example to understand the logic?

    If it's not possible, I'm afraid that my only choice is to give up Formz and only use Formit with FormitFastPack. So sad because I will loose of the nice system to watch submissions.

    Thank you and best regards

    Revo 2.2.7 pl
    Formz 1.0.0 rc1
    Formit 2.0.0 pl
    FormitFastPack 1.0.0 alpha
    PHP 5.2.17
    MySQL 5.0.84
    Apache 2.0

    This question has been answered by fafiou. See the first response.

    • I don't know Formz, but with FormSave you can save submitted Formit forms to the database and view/export submissions on a Custom Manager Page:
      • discuss.answer
        • 9375
        • 5 Posts
        Thank you for your answer labr1005.

        I think that my needs for complex forms are too high for the Formz addon.
        So sad because I've done a great work with Formz with custom Snippets.

        So I'm going to try FormSave and I will tell if this addon has done the job.
        But I'm sure it will be fine.