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    • 44778
    • 1 Posts
    Uneducated fool searching for help here. The company I work for has a website that is managed with MODx where there is one url that appears in the browser, but another one that also redirects to the main url. I am trying to make it so the other url is the one that appears in the browser.

    So, if you type in www.mydomain.com it goes to www.mywebsite.com, but I want it to only say mydomain.com. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the lack of detail, but I really don't know much.
      • 30912
      • 463 Posts
      If i understadn this right, you will need to alter the rewrites in the htaccess

      taken from the htaccss file

      #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
      #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^example-domain-please-change\.com [NC]
      #RewriteRule (.*) http://example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]

      (dont forget to remove the #)

      that should solve the issue, we usually do domain > www. domain, not the other way around.

      Hope that helps