Hi, i have moved my site from plesk to cpanel5 hosting. everything working fine, but i have strange issue with \ and "
when i change something in my templates
<div class="container">
<div class="header"><div class="jezici">
[[YAMS? &get=`repeat` &beforetpl=`@CODE:<ul>` &repeattpl=`otherFlagItemTpl` ¤ttpl=`currentFlagItemTpl` &aftertpl=`@CODE:</ul>`]]
and save and close i get this. and my site is broken.
<div class=\"container\">
<div class=\"header\"><div class=\"jezici\">
[[YAMS? &get=`repeat` &beforetpl=`@CODE:<ul>` &repeattpl=`otherFlagItemTpl` ¤ttpl=`currentFlagItemTpl` &aftertpl=`@CODE:</ul>`]]
why the system includes this \ before quoting marks.
maybe is the problem by Transalias plugin or by DB setting. on my plesk is the DB on utf8 and since we moved the site to another location DB has Swedish latin encoding. why? we imported the DB like UTF8!
every help will be appreciated.
its before every " in the source.
ask your host or add a php.ini in the absolute root as far as you could go in FTP with:
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
could be this can be done with ht.access but i dunno.
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