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  • I'm currently in the middle of a huge crisis with one of my biggest clients because of this issue with the gallery snippet.
    The gallery snippet does not cache any image, at all, ever.

    I'm on MODx Cloud hosting, using 1.5.2 on MODx 2.2.8

    Anyone can test this by just creating a free development cloud, downloading Gallery from the package manager, creating a gallery and posting it on the homepage with
    [[Gallery? &album=`1`]]

    What's happening:

    • Gallery is generating only dynamic URLs for images, like: src="/assets/components/gallery/connector.php?action=web/phpthumb&w=170&h=170&zc=1&far=C&q=90&src=%2Fassets%2Fgallery%2F37%2F1319.jpg
    • because of this, the server is almost constantly either crashing or about to crash with huge page load times and timeouts
    • the only way i can get some caching going is if i use :phpthumbof filters in Gallery's template chunk.
    • using phpthumbof causes pages to load very slowly, but at least keeps the server from crashing due to overload when there is high traffic.

    What this problem isn't being caused by:

    • it isn't my hosting since i use MODx Cloud
    • it isn't anything i've done to the MODx install since this can be reproduced in 2 minutes by anyone on a fresh MODx cloud install with the latest versions of MODx and gallery.
    • user error on my part is excluded since i only use the most basic call, and calling the snippet cached or uncached makes no difference.

    Please let me know what i can do to fix this, these problems are about to cost me a client and a lot of money.

    Ovi [ed. note: Orthias last edited this post 10 years, 10 months ago.]